Welcome To The Council on Legal Education Opportunity Bar Blog For The July 2010 Bar Exam

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Test Taker Beware: Do Not Wish The Time To Prepare For The Bar Examination Was Over.

I have run into test takers lately who have shown signs of battle scars. Worn, head held down low, tired, and thinking ahead about August and September. They are thinking about work, and they show the inevitable signs of "the wish factor." I saw an examinee and she kept saying, "I wish this exam was over." She wants the time for bar study to be over and done with and that the exam was upon them today, this Tuesday, and not next week, next Tuesday. There is so much that you can learn between now and next Tuesday. Do not rush it. I would rather you learn more now, than to try and learn more next Monday night (that can be one ugly night if you are forced to do it that way - - UGLY). So, be thankful for the next seven (7) days.

You need the last seven (7) days to get all of yourself together, okay.

You have to get yourself some shut-eye. You need these seven (7) days to either catch up on it a little, or to get more of it, or to skip a day of it, whatever your mindset is right now.

You need to get yourself a few extra dollars. If anyone is offering to pay for your lunch or dinner, or a little gas for your car, take the money. We will need it this week. The subway fare in the District of Columbia increased on June 27 and will do so again on August 1st. I imagine that our system is not the only one with an increase in fares, so take a subway card, too.

You need to get yourself an extra learning experience if you have to do so. I am holding a property refresher in estates in land/future interests for a student on Wednesday. I will be certain to explain the rule against perpetuities and its friends, contingent and vested remainders, then shifting and springing executory interests in a manner in which she will be able to grasp. I plan to discuss equitable servitudes, also. She will not leave without knowing how this all comes together, I promise myself that. We need (and wish for) a long, decent amount of time on Wednesday to explain this.

You need to get yourself packed up and ready to drive or fly wherever it is you are going. That process takes a long time when you are planning a vacation for some fun time. So we know what kind of time it takes if you are planning a not so "fun in the sun, trip" but a destination trip to the bar examination. You have to have the checklist rolling.

You need to get yourself together and remind yourself that the bar is not a drag. It is not a not. It can be an intense experience. It takes a good deal of focus. It is your lifeline to a new skills set. An opportunity to do some good for many people who don't have anyone to do good for them. In some cases, it will be an opportunity to do some not so good things. That is when we learn about our integrity and character. A post bar exam discussion.

You need to get yourself together and remind yourself why you came to law school, who supported you throughout this entire ordeal, and why you are still here. Slow your roll. Take your time. Chill. Whatever word you use to remind yourself to step back and take a break, then that is what you should do. There is a race that you are trying to win, sure, but you get a certain number of weeks to accomplish that for a reason. If it was believed that you should be able to do it in a shorter number of weeks, the exam would have started this today or last Tuesday and not next Tuesday. Count your blessings, or your karma, or your fingers, (whatever you believe in) and take the extra days accorded you to get this thing done.

Don't Rush It. What else can you learn? What essay can you write? What MBE section needs some polishing? How many MPTs have you written? Or, better yet, how many answers have you reviewed?

Take the days given; you have plenty to do. Some of your colleagues really need this time to catch up, to clean up, and ...

To get themselves together.

So, if you want to wish for something, wish for this - -

Wish that the time you have to prepare is just enough time to take & pass the actual exam.

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